

Welcome to my blog. Where I document my adventures in life. Here you'll find a little bit of every thing that gets me going. Let your hair down and enjoy the ride!

New Year, Same Me!

New Year, Same Me!

Happy New Year!


I know, I know. The new year is the best time to reflect on the previous year and make resolutions for the upcoming year but I've never been one for resolutions. Let's face it, resolutions are made to be broken. To be quite honest, I currently like me just the way I am. Can and will I make some effort in a few areas? Absolutely! 

However, here are a few things that will remain the same:

Growth: mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically. 2018 was a year of growth for me. Packing it up, throwing it out and moving to the sunshine state (where I've wanted to live since as long as I can remember) has been an awesome experience. Blogging about it had been even more fun! In 2019, I want to continue growing, exponentially, abundantly above everything I could ever dream up. 


Determination: I don't know about anyone else but after a whirlwind 2018, I am determined to "make it" like Trey Songz with the straightback cornrows! I know my goals and I am determined to do what it takes to meet them in 2019. 

 Being more personable: In the previous year I found myself uprooted with my family and friend group over 600+ miles away. Comfort zone shattered. So I began using social media as a way of being more sociable (surprise surprise to many people that know me, I am a tiny bit shy, seriously). In 2019 I intend to take it a step further and actually meet new friends in person. After all, I am in the perfect place to diversify and expand my network so if you're reading this and you're in South Florida, reach out, let's connect!


Versatility: Most importantly, in 2019 I intend to remain open minded enough to switch things up and adapt to my surroundings. What's the fun in doing the same mundane tasks and never being open to new things? I said all this to say, I'm taking my wigs into 2019. I know there is a war on wigs for some reason but I like new hair and I will not be convinced to leave that behind. Especially since I discovered Zury Prime wigs and Esha lace glue and ditched that tedious Got to be glued method. So, sorry, not sorry Meek Mill 😂🤣



The fact of the matter is, I've come a long way since new year 2016 when I was sitting alone on a blow up mattress, watching the ball drop with a full bottle of wine (not my finest hour but my hair looked nice👀). Every new year since has come with growth, happiness and peace beyond all understanding. In a world that is ever changing, this new year, I choose to remain the same me that I have come to love so deeply! 2019 is mine for the taking! #HereWeGlow

What are you expecting in 2019? I would love to hear your goals!

Happy New Year from Bound 2 Glow!!

Meetups and Hangouts: An Introverted Extrovert's Guide to Making Friends

Meetups and Hangouts: An Introverted Extrovert's Guide to Making Friends

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