

Welcome to my blog. Where I document my adventures in life. Here you'll find a little bit of every thing that gets me going. Let your hair down and enjoy the ride!

Fashionista or nah?

Fashionista or nah?

This post contains affiliate links

Let me start out by addressing the elephant in the room. It has been a while since I've made a post and I don't have a real excuse. Between getting acclimated with a new city, my new natural fro, friends visiting, Drake breaking my heart by rescheduling the only concert I've really anticipated this year and lizards and blood falling from the trees (true stories), South Florida has been A LOT.


However, I'm making it and I've really come to love my new home. Especially once all of my friends and family back home began complaining about the cold weather. Whispers It's still averaging about 80-88 degrees here this week, even after the latest "cold front" which did me a huge favor by alleviating the biggest challenge...HUMIDITY! OMG, the humidity was thicker than a snicker outchea in these streets. Whew thanks goodness, I’ve finally gotten some relief.


In addition to the weather finally working in my favor, I'm stoked to announce that I am now an affiliate on one of my absolute favorite brands, Lulus!


Where do I even begin? I love, love, love Lulus because they have everything I need to put together a popping outfit. Need casual wear? Need a jazzy cocktail dress? You name it, Lulus has it! They have a plethora of matching sets, which are my personal favorites, that take the guesswork out of matching an outfit. I absolutely love a matching set, it feeds the lazy fashionista in me and really makes choosing an outfit a breeze. 


Whatever you need, you can find it at From tops and bottoms to dresses, jumpsuits and rompers for ALL occasions with accessories to complete your look, Lulus has it! Now is the perfect time to check out their selection of booties and sweaters for the fall. However, the most important part, especially for my thrifty shoppers (myself included), there is always a SALE! Imagine that, quality clothing items at a decent price!


Now that I've moved to a state with 1.5 seasons, Lulus has definitely been my go to for my fashion wants and needs. No matter your location or seasonal needs, I'm sure that Lulus had something for you! 


Check out this little get up that I copped from Lulus and if you like it, over to their site where you can get free shipping on orders over $50!


My Southern Thanksgiving Necessities

My Southern Thanksgiving Necessities

I Like It, I Love It : Pop! Curl Color Gel

I Like It, I Love It : Pop! Curl Color Gel